Report Tackings

On Monday night, there was another tack attack on the Kew Boulevard.

As part of the campaign to bring about a resolution to the tack attacks, it is my intention to put out a media release following each and every tack attack and to also write to each of the involved authorities whenever it happens; including the Minister for Roads and Safety, the Hon. Luke Donnellan.

This is to ensure the issue remains very much in the public eye and that pressure builds on the authorities to implement the demands we all made during the May 3 protest ride.

For this to be effective, I need to know when people are puncturing on the Kew Boulevard.

Soon we will have a mobile phone app available to automate this but in the meantime, I am requesting that you send me an email whenever you puncture due to a tack on the Kew Boulevard.

Please use the contact form to let me know.

To help me sort through the email, please put the words “TACK ATTACK” in the subject and if possible, include an approximate location of where it happened along with your direction of travel (City Bound/Out Bound).

Thank you for your co-operation.



1 comment

  • Susan van Diermen

    In South Australia we have also had lots of problems with “Punctures.” I had screws partially inserted into my new tyre. Repairs were constantly lasting less than 2 weeks. It’s not me. In the past my tyres have lasted up to 4 years of regular use with all the best parts. This puncture problem started about 20 months ago. My guess is it’s the authorities who don’t like bike riders because we are less visable and recordable in our surveilence obsessed society. Now they want us to register for stamps, they keep our digital data, they record our bus trips and all the rest of it. Bike riders threaten their 100% idea of survielence. That’s why there’s tacs.

    Regards Susan

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